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You are currently viewing 120 Empowering Affirmations For Sleeping Better At Night

120 Empowering Affirmations For Sleeping Better At Night

Affirmations for sleeping
Affirmations For Sleeping

Why Am I So Tired But Can’t Fall Asleep?

When you’re lying in bed feeling exhausted and unable to fall asleep, it might feel like you’re the only one facing this frustration, but it’s actually a common issue.

Your brain is still active with stress or anxiety from the day, and this makes it hard for your body to relax and fall asleep.

If this is what you’re going through every night, you’re not alone.

Affirmations for sleep could be your solution.

The positive, calming phrases you repeat to yourself as you get ready for bed.

That will focus your thoughts on relaxation and peace, and help to quieten your active mind and make it easier for you to fall asleep.

Affirmations For Sleep

  • I am capable of falling asleep when I need to.
  • When I feel anxious, it means my body is tired and needs sleep.
  • My sleep patterns will balance naturally when my inner state lets them do so.
  • Now is a beautiful time for a short nap before work/class/meeting/event.
  • Today, I’m treating my body with affection for all it gives me.
  • My sleep is peaceful and natural, exactly what my body needs right now.
  • My mind relaxes deeply as soon as my head hits the pillow.
  • I give myself permission to relax completely.
  • My dreams are positive, meditations of my successful desires for this life.
  • My subconscious mind stimulates vivid dream scenes to communicate with me each night.
  • I am making conscious choices that support healthful sleep patterns today. 
  • My body has evolved to give me exactly what I need at this stage in my life.

Affirmations For Sleeping

  • I am safe and protected in my sleep environment.
  • Every cell in my body reflects the love and gratitude I feel towards it right now.
  • I breathe in relaxation, calmness and relief; I breathe out tension, anxiety and fear. 
  • Imagine yourself lying on a beautiful green field, with the warm sun beaming upon you.
  • I sleep soundly and deeply all night long, knowing I am safe and protected.
  • My body knows how to relax into restful sleep, freeing me from insomnia today.
  • Peaceful dreams await me as I drift off into a deep state of sleep.
  •   I am working out any lingering tension in my body so that it can relax completely now.
  • I go to bed easily, knowing I will wake up feeling refreshed and energized.
  • My dreams are messages from Spirit guiding me on my path today.
  • A refreshing night of sleep is exactly what my body needs right now.
  • I deserve all the rest I can get to make me feel amazing.
  •  It’s okay if I wake up in the middle of the night; it won’t last forever and we’ll both get through it fine. 
  • I am safe and protected in my sleep environment.
  • My body knows how to relax into restful sleep, freeing me from insomnia today.
  • As I go to bed tonight, I release any worries or thoughts about the future so that it’s easier for me to drift off into a deep state of sleep now.
  • Tonight is exactly what I need to feel refreshed and energized tomorrow.
  • Every day, in every way, I am getting better and better. 
Affirmations For Sleeping

Sleeping Affirmations

  • I release all fears and self-doubt from my mind.
  •  I feel a deep sense of love and safety in my surroundings.
  • I find myself feeling at ease with everything happening around me.
  • My body feels heavy, warm, and relaxed as if I am ready to sleep 
  • Everything I think about right now makes me feel peaceful, calm, and serene.
  • I find myself feeling content with my life as it is 
  • The more I relax the easier it is to fall asleep. 
  • It’s time for me to let go of my thoughts and feelings for today so that I may sleep well tonight.
  • I am breathing in relaxation. 
  • I am breathing out tension and stress.
  • My feet feel warm, heavy, and relaxed as if they are ready for sleep 
  • The more I relax my body the easier it is for me to fall asleep. 
  • The deeper my state of relaxation the better I sleep.
  • I feel a deep sense of love and appreciation for myself as I drift off to sleep .
  • The more relaxed my body feels the better chance I have of falling asleep quickly 
  • Relaxing is good for my health and well-being 
  • When I wake up from my sleep I will feel rejuvenated, refreshed, and excited for the day ahead of me.
  • I am letting myself drift off to sleep now…
  • The deeper my state of relaxation the faster I will fall asleep 
  •  My body is weighing down with a deep sense of peace right now . 
  • I deserve to sleep well tonight and wake up refreshed and rejuvenated tomorrow 
  • I am allowing myself to relax deeply right now. 
  • I feel a sense of relief and release as my body enjoys the process of falling asleep . 
  • The more relaxed my mind feels the easier it is for me to fall asleep.
Affirmations For Sleeping

Affirmations Before Bed

  • It’s time to drift off to sleep and enjoy the rest of my body and mind. 
  • Every moment of relaxation I feel now brings me closer to a deep sleep . 
  • The better I feel about everything in my life right now the easier it is for me to fall asleep. 
  • Allowing myself to drift off to sleep makes me feel relaxed 
  • I am calm, peaceful, and at ease right now… 
  • I can successfully say no to any thoughts making it harder for me to sleep . 
  • The deeper my level of relaxation the faster I will fall asleep 
  • Every moment that passes brings me closer to a peaceful sleep . 
  • It’s time now to let go of all thoughts and feelings from my day so that I may drift off to sleep now… 
  • The more relaxed I feel right now the easier it is for me to fall asleep quickly .
  • My feet feel warm, heavy, and relaxed as if they are ready for sleep .
  • I am calm, peaceful, and at ease right now 
  • The deeper my state of relaxation the better chance I have of falling asleep quickly . 
  • Every moment that passes brings me closer to a peaceful sleep .
  • It’s time to let go of all thoughts and feelings from my day so that I may drift off to sleep now…
  • My body is heavy, warm, and relaxed right now 
  • The deeper my state of relaxation the better I sleep .
  • I am calm, peaceful, and at ease right now…
  • It’s time for me to let go of all thoughts and feelings from my day so that I may drift off to sleep now…
  • I feel a sense of relief and release as my body enjoys the process of falling asleep . 
  • The more relaxed my body feels the better chance I have of falling asleep quickly . 
  • Every moment that passes brings me closer to a peaceful sleep .
  • The better I feel about everything in my life right now the easier it is for me to fall asleep . 
  • It’s time for me to let go of all thoughts and feelings from my day so that I may drift off to sleep now…
  • Relaxing is good for my health and well-being 
  • I will feel rejuvenated, refreshed, and excited for the day ahead of me when I wake up from my sleep . 
  • The deeper my state of relaxation the faster I will fall asleep .
  • The more relaxed my body feels the better chance I have of falling asleep quickly .  
  • The more I relax my body the easier it is for me to fall asleep . 
Affirmations For Sleeping

Positive Affirmations For Sleep

  • My feet feel warm, heavy, and relaxed as if they are ready for sleep .
  • Every moment of relaxation I feel now brings me closer to a deep sleep .
  • I am letting myself drift off to sleep now
  • I deserve to sleep well tonight and wake up refreshed and rejuvenated tomorrow
  • My eyes are feeling heavy, my body is growing warmer, and my mind is becoming more relaxed with every breath I take… 
  • It’s time now to let go of all thoughts and feelings from my day so that I may drift off to sleep now. 
  • The deeper my level of relaxation the better chance I have of falling asleep .
  • Every moment that passes brings me closer to a peaceful sleep . 
  • My body wants and needs to rest in order to relax and rejuvenate . 
  • I am calm, peaceful, and at ease right now .
  • Allowing myself to drift off to sleep makes me feel relaxed .
  • I love the feeling of deep relaxation that comes over my body whenever I allow myself to fall asleep . 
  • The deeper my level of relaxation the faster I will fall asleep .
  • Relaxing is good for relieving stress 
  • I deserve to sleep well tonight and wake up refreshed and rejuvenated tomorrow . 
  • It’s time now to let go of all thoughts and feelings from my day so that I may drift off to sleep now. 

Affirmations for Self Love While Sleeping

  • I let myself rest before even trying to sleep.
  • I imagine my body is like a flower that needs water to grow and blossom.
  • I imagine the sun’s warm rays nourishing my cells with energy; my body absorbing life itself through breath and sunlight, warmth on the skin sends signals of happiness to the brain.
  • I imagine the sun helping my body produce vitamins, providing nourishment to my organs, allowing me to have energy to keep going throughout the day.
  • I imagine that air is being pumped into my lungs slowly and easily – because I am worth the time it takes to relax any tensions in my muscles – because in this moment, I am safe – because my body is strong and capable.
  •  With each breath, I imagine air traveling throughout my body, into every cell that needs it; carrying nourishment to these cells with its warmth; leaving behind toxins for me to breathe out, making room for freshness to fill my lungs again and again.
  • My body knows how to breathe, so I let it do its thing and follow along with this process without trying too hard.
  • With each breath, I allow myself to be filled up from the inside out.
  • I imagine a bubbling stream of fresh water flowing through my veins; oxygen traveling throughout my body, washing away anything that needs to be washed away.
  • I imagine a large, empty vessel that fills up from the inside out with fresh water and oxygen traveling throughout my body; carrying away anything that needs to be carried away from my cells, from my organs, from my heart and lungs – everything is being carried off by this clean stream of energy.
  • I let go of any anxiety or stress that has built up throughout the day – it is being washed away with each breath, leaving my body feeling clean and refreshed.
  •  I imagine water flowing around every muscle, surrounding them completely; tension is released as this fluid glides effortlessly past these muscles, washing away anything that needs to be washed away.
  • When I feel tired, I imagine water washing away any tension that has built up in my muscles; blood flowing through my veins with ease – everything is being taken care of by the powerful vessel within me.
  • My body is strong and capable, so I let myself rest whenever it needs it – because my body is strong and capable.
  • I breathe in fresh, oxygen-rich air; every cell in my body absorbs this energy, taking in what it needs to carry on throughout the day – because my body is strong and capable.
  •  My heart beats steadily and strongly after a good night’s rest – it is well rested, healthy, and strong.
  •  I imagine a bright light inside of me that never goes out, no matter how long I have been without sleep.
  • Even when I go a day or two without any sleep, the bright light within me is still shining as bright as ever – because this bright light never needs to rest.
  •  I imagine the sun’s warm rays nourishing my body with life – everything I need to remain strong for another day.
  • The bright light inside of me has been lit even when I have not slept in days – it is always burning, providing energy to my cells, ensuring that no matter how long I have gone without sleeping, my body still has energy for the day.
Affirmations for sleeping
Affirmations For Sleep

Affirmations For Sleeping

As you wrap up your day and think about having a good night’s sleep, remember the incredible use of affirmations to help you out.

Embracing these sleep affirmations, so that you’re able to bring tranquility into your nights and remove farewell to any restlessness is a way to stop overthinking, stress and anxiety.

These simple, positive statements can truly transform your sleep experience.

So, as you head to bed tonight, let these affirmations guide you towards a peaceful sleep.

Keep believing in their power, and drift into a peaceful, and wake rejuvenated.